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Chris Penn
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Brother of Sean Penn

Son of director Leo Penn and actress Eileen Ryan.

Brother of musician Michael Penn.

Appeared with his brother Sean Penn in At Close Range (1986), in which their actress mother, Eileen Ryan, played their grandmother!

Brother-in-law of Robin Wright Penn

Appeared in Sublime's "Date Rape" video

Brother-in-law of Aimee Mann

Is in three different movies with close-range shootout scenes at the end (Reservoir Dogs (1992), True Romance (1993), and _Corky Romano (2001)_).

Originally had role in American Pie 2 (2001) as Stiffler's dad but the scenes were cut since they were not deemed to fit in with the original movie (Source: Beneath the Crust: American Pie 2 (2001)).

Started acting at age 12 at the Loft Studio in Los Angeles and training under acting guru Peggy Feury.

Chris Penn stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Mobsters 1990 With Trish and Jessica at Showcase North Haven 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Reservoir Dogs 1992 With Adam at York Square midnight show. 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Short Cuts 1993 With Bob Sandine at Cine 1-4 0000-00-00 *
To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar 1995 w/ Family on DVD 2006-05-04 ***
Mulholland Falls 1996 Suzy 2015-10-27 ***
Murder by Numbers 2002 w/ Suzy & Durkins at Branford Hoyts 2002-04-26 ** 1/2
Starsky & Hutch 2004 w/ family on DVD 2004-07-23 **
After the Sunset 2004 Suzy on DVD 2005-05-06 **