David Strathairn Scroll down for movie list. Trivia
Went to Williams College in Williamstown, MA. and Ringling Bros. Clown College, FL.
Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:
The year 1992 provided the gifted Strathairn with three plum supporting roles that made critics and audiences take notice: the sympathetic promotions man Ira Lowenstein in A League of Their Own the blind sound expert Whistler in Sneakers and Rennie, the Cajun swamp guide in Passion Fish. A graduate of Williams College and the Ringling Brothers Clown College, Strathairn has been in numerous stage productions as well as in the films Lovesick, Enormous Changes at the Last Minute, Silkwood (all 1983), Iceman (1984), At Close Range (1987), Dominick and Eugene (1988), and Memphis Belle (1990). Most notably, he has also appeared in six films written and directed by John Sayles, starting with his screen debut in Return of the Secaucus 7 (1980), and including The Brother From Another Planet (1984), Matewan (1987, as Chief of Police Sid Hatfield), Eight Men Out (1988, as pitcher Eddie Cicotte), and City of Hope (1991, in a flamboyant role as a street crazy). As other filmmakers have come to appreciate his talent-and versatility-he's become more soughtafter. Recent credits include The Firm (as Tom Cruise's brother), Lost in Yonkers, Arthur Miller's "The American Clock"(telefilm), A Dangerous Woman (all 1993), The River Wild (1994), Losing Isaiah and Dolores Claiborne (both 1995). |  |