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Demi Moore
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Demi Moore was born 1962 in Roswell, New Mexico. Her father Charles Harmon left her mother Virginia King before Demi was born. Her stepfather Danny Guynes didn't add much stability to her life either. He frequently changed jobs and made the family move a total of 40 times. The parents kept on drinking, arguing and beating, until Guynes finally committed suicide. Demi quit school at the age of 16 to work as a pin-up-girl. At 18 she married rock musician Freddy Moore; the marriage lasted four years. At 19 she became a regular on the soap opera General Hospital (1963). From the first salaries she started partying and sniffing cocaine. That lasted more than 3 years, until director Joel Schumacher threatened to fire her from the set of St. Elmo's Fire (1985) when she turned up high. She got a withdrawal treatment and returned clean after a week... and stayed clean. With determination and a skill for publicity stunts, like the nude appearance on cover of Vanity Fair while pregnant, she made her way to fame. Since the huge commercial success of Ghost (1990) and the controversial pictures Indecent Proposal (1993) and Disclosure (1994) she's one of Hollywood's most sought-after and most expensive actresses.

Demi Moore stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
St. Elmo's Fire 1985 With Jessica 0000-00-00 1/2 *
One Crazy Summer 1986 Hanna 2020-02-22 ***
About Last Night ... 1986 With Jessica 0000-00-00 *
Ghost 1990 With Jessica 0000-00-00 * 1/2
We're No Angels 1990 0000-00-00 **
Now and Then 1994 Suzy and Hanna 2015-12-25 ***
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1995 With Kim and kids at Saybrook Cinema's 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 2003 2003-12-31 1/2 *
The Joneses 2009 Suzy 2017-04-30 ** 1/2
Margin Call 2011 2018-11-09 *** 1/2
Wild Oats 2016 Suzy and Hanna 2016-12-31 ***
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 2022 Suzy and Leica 2022-06-17 **
The Substance 2024 Suzy 2025-01-25 ***