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Eva Mendes
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Born in Houston but raised in Los Angeles and Miami.

Was a marketing major at California State Northridge where she dropped out to pursue acting.

Is Cuban-American.

Appeared in an American Express credit card commercial which featured the Sheryl Crow song "Soak Up The Sun". [April 2002]

Is writing a book titled "Crazy Leggs Beshee", inspired by her nieces and nephews, that introduces vocabulary, art, history and values through a medium kids understand.

Loves interior designing and would undertake this profession if not acting.

Her hobbies are music, sports (hiking, biking, skiing, and mountain climbing) and interior design.

Graduated from Herbert Hoover High School in Glendale, California. John Cho and Alex Kalognomos were also students there.

Has played Denzel Washington's wife twice, first in Training Day (1999) and again in Out Of time (2003)

Has a sister named Janet living in Los Angeles.

Eva Mendes stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Once Upon a Time in Mexico 2003 at Showcase North Haven 2003-09-12 ***
Stuck On You 2003 w/ Family on DVD 2004-06-05 1/2 *
2 Fast 2 Furious 2003 2021-07-26 **
Hitch 2005 Family on DVD 2005-07-02 ***
Ghost Rider 2007 Kendra on DVD 2007-12-22 * 1/2
Cleaner 2007 2008-07-05 ** 1/2
The Spirit 2008 2009-04-18 **
The Other Guys 2010 Suzy and Hanna in Maine 2015-08-16 **
Fast Five 2011 Suzy 2016-06-27 *