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Gerard Depardieu
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Elisabeth Depardieu (1970 - 1996) (separated) 2 children
Marie Lemieux (11 June 2001 - present)

Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:

Perhaps filmdom's most ungainly sex symbol, this popular and prolific leading man is equally comfortable as a lumbering, lovable lug, a menacing hulk, or a classical hero. Introduced to American audiences as a wandering, nasty ne'er-do-well in Going Places (1974), Depardieu also impressed moviegoers in 1900 (1977), Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (1978), The Last Metro (1980), The Return of Martin Guerre (1982), Jean de Florette (1986), and The Possessed (1987). In 1984 he wrote and directed an adaptation of Tartuffe His American film debut, opposite Andie MacDowell in the romantic comedy Green Card (1990), failed to catapult him to stateside stardom. In his native France, however, his star still shines bright, especially following his acclaimed performance in Cyrano de Bergerac (1990, which earned an Oscar nomination and a Best Actor award at Cannes), and he continues to work in English-language productions such as 1492 (1992), in which he played Christopher Columbus. He appeared with his son Guillame in Tous les matins du monde (1992), and then worked for JeanLuc Godard in Hélas pour moi (Oh, Woe Is Me 1993).

Gerard Depardieu stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Jean De Florette 1987 With Jessica at York Square 0000-00-00 ****
Cyrano De Bergerac 1990 With Jessica at York Square 0000-00-00 ****
Green Card 1991 0000-00-00 Bomb
Man in the Iron Mask 1998 In CA hotel 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
102 Dalmations 2000 In Chicago at Water Tower Place with Anne, Leah, and Emma Balay 2000-11-24 **