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Judy Davis
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Colin Friels (1984 - present) 1 son, 1 daughter


Has a son and a daughter.

Attended drama school with Mel Gibson. They played Romeo and Juliet together.

Trained at NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Arts). Her fellow students included Mel Gibson, Colin Friels and Dennis Olsen.

Son, with Colin Friels, Jack.

Daughter, with Colin Friels, Charlotte.

Attended a Catholic convent school in her hometown of Perth, Australia.

Served as a member of the jury of the Cannes Film Festival in 1993.

She was a part of the movement dubbed the "Australian New Wave" by the press. They were a group of filmmakers and performers who emerged from Down Under at about the same time in the early 1980's and found work in other parts of the world. Other members included actor Mel Gibson and directors George Miller and Gillian Armstrong.

Nominated for an Olivier Award for Insignificance (Actress of the Year in a New Play, 1982).

Judy Davis stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Barton Fink 1991 With Trish Ryden at Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
The Ref 1994 Cine 1-4 0000-00-00 ***
Absolute Power 1997 Suzy 2015-07-01 ***
Marie Antoinette 2006 family on DVD 2007-03-19 ** 1/2
The Break-Up 2006 Kendra on DVD 2006-12-09 1/2 *
The Dressmaker 2015 Suzy 2016-08-06 *** 1/2