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Oded Fehr
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Rhonda Tollefson (22 December 2000 - present) 2 children

Served in the Israeli Navy.

Met wife, Rhonda Tollefson, at the L.A. Opera.

Has an older brother, a sister and a younger half sister.

Trained at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, England after taking a very brief drama class in Frankfurt, Germany.

Worked for security for the Israeli airlines in Germany.

Son, Atticus was born January 4, 2003.

He speaks English, Hebrew and a bit of German.

Oded Fehr stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
The Mummy 1999 Branford Hoyts on Opening Night 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
The Mummy Returns 2001 at Branford Hoyts (Opening day) 2001-05-04 ** 1/2
Dreamer 2005 family on DVD 2006-04-01 *** 1/2