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Paul Bartel
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Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:

Balding and portly, with a red, beaver-like beard, Bartel excels at the portrayal of pompous eccentrics, but has another career behind the camera. His directorial debut, the peculiar and disturbing Private Parts (1972), flopped miserably, and Bartel cast his lot with independent producer Roger Corman, for whom he acted, shot second unit (on 1974's Big Bad Mama and eventually directed Death Race 2000 (1975) and Cannonball (1976). His pet project, the hilarious black comedy Eating Raoul (1982), saw director Bartel starring as well, teamed with frequent collaborator Mary Woronov. Raoul was surprisingly successful, for such an offbeat subject, and led to talk of a yet-unrealized sequel to be titled Bland Ambition But Bartel's subsequent films, as director, haven't been nearly as profitable (or well-received): Not for Publication (1984), Lust in the Dust (1985), The Longshot (1986). (He also directed an episode of Steven Spielberg's TV anthology "Amazing Stories.")

The relatively lavish Scenes From the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills (1989), while far from a box-office hit, was deemed something of a comeback for the quirky director. His next film as actordirector was 1993's Shelf Life

Paul Bartel stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Eating Raoul 1983 With Jessica 0000-00-00 ***
European Vacation 1985 on HBO 0000-00-00 **
Posse 1993 York Square with Adam? 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
The Usual Suspects 1995 0000-00-00 ****
Escape from L. A. 1996 2023-05-12 ** 1/2
Hamlet 2000 York Square with Lois Read 2000-07-26 *** 1/2