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Richard Roundtree
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Richard Roundtree was a leading man in many \"blaxploitation\" movies in the 1970s. He is best known for his role as John Shaft in Shaft (1971), and starred in its two sequels as well. As the 1970s and 1980s progressed he starred more in low-budget movies. He was in a few occasional high-profile, if a tad offbeat, films. Among his more notable work in that period were Escape to Athena (1979), City Heat (1984) and the socially conscious but badly received A Game for Vultures (1979). Roundtree has been active in movies these days. He became popular again in the 1990s with his role in Se7en (1995), and was well received for reprising his role as the classic hero, and Samuel L. Jackson\'s uncle, in the 2000 remake of the film that made him a star, Shaft (2000).

Richard Roundtree stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Earthquake 1974 2022-08-17 ** 1/2
Se7en 1995 in Tampa, FL 2004-10-06 ***
George of the Jungle 1997 Kendra at/ home 2002-01-25 ***
Shaft 2000 Meriden Hoyts 2000-07-12 ***
Speed Racer 2008 Family 2008-11-26 *
What Men Want 2019 Suzy and Hanna 2019-05-05 ** 1/2