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Fourth Protocol
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Fourth Protocol Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1987 Category: Thriller
Director: John Mackenzie Time: 119 min. Writer: George Axelrod

Mine: Forgetable to the extent that I have tottaly forgotten what this movie is about.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Pretty good spy thriller adapted by Frederick Forsyth from his best-selling novel. Caine plays a British spy who's assigned to foil a Russian plot that would destroy relations between the U. S. and England by setting off a nuclear bomb near an American air base in the U. K. Brosnan does well as a Russian agent. J-D-C Scope.
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Michael Caine Michael Caine as:
John Preston
Pierce Brosnan Pierce Brosnan as:
Valeri Petrofsky
Ned Beatty Ned Beatty as:
Joanna Cassidy as:
Julian Glover as:
Brian Harcourt-Smith
Ian Richardson as:
Sir Nigel Bruce
Ray McAnally as:
Gen. Karpov
Matt Frewer as:
Tom McWherter