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American Graffiti
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
American Graffiti Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1973 Category: Comedy
Director: George Lucas Time: 110 min. Writer: George Lucas & Gloria Katz

Mine: Kind of fun, but I never understood what the fuss was about.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Highly entertaining, insightful mosaic about youngsters ``coming of age'' after high school graduation in 1962. Often hilarious, always on-target, this film made Dreyfuss a star and boosted many other careers. Reedited to 112m. for 1978 reissue to play up latter-day stars. Look fast for Kay Lenz at the dance. Sequel: MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI. Techniscope.
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Richard Dreyfuss Richard Dreyfuss as:
Curt Henderson
Ron Howard as:
Steve Bolander
Paul Le Mat as:
John Milner
Charles Martin Smith as:
Terry Fields
Cindy Williams as:
Laurie Henderson
Harrison Ford Harrison Ford as:
Bob Falfa
Mackenzie Phillips as:
Wolfman Jack as:
Disc Jockey