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The Hard Way
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
No Poster Available
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Adam Brusic
Rating: Year: 1991 Category: Comedy Action
Director: John Badham Time: min. Writer: Lem Dobbs & Daneil Pyne

Mine: Not very good. Most notable for the constant placement of Macintosh computers and related stuff (MacUser Magazine, Apple Computer Boxes, etc.). Lame story poorly acted.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Long, loud, loose cannon of a movie about a spoiled-brat Hollywood star who attaches himself to a reckless N. Y. C. street cop to prepare for his next movie role. Some laughs, lots of action, but it all goes out of control. Panavision.
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Michael J. Fox Michael J. Fox as:
Nick Lang
James Woods James Woods as:
John Moss
Christina Ricci Christina Ricci as:
Annabella Sciorra Annabella Sciorra as:
Luis Guzman Luis Guzman as:
LL Cool J as:
Penny Marshall as:
Delroy Lindo Delroy Lindo as:
Capt. Brix
Stephen Lang Stephen Lang as:
Party Crasher