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Major Leage II
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Major Leage II Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG Year: 1994 Category: Comedy
Director: David S. Ward Time: 105 min. Writer: David S. Ward

Mine: A bad sequal to a ho-hum movie. Who thought that this was a good idea?
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Excruciatingly unfunny, decidedly minor-league sequel, with most of the principals returning for a second season; the key exclusion is Wesley Snipes, replaced by Epps as Willie Mays Hayes. Crammed with cheap jokes; except for Uecker's quips, there's barely a laugh in sight. What's more, it's shamelessly loaded with plugs for commercial products.
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Charlie Sheen Charlie Sheen as:
Rich Vaughn
Tom Berenger as:
Jake Taylor
Corbin Bernsen as:
Roger Dorn
Dennis Haysbert Dennis Haysbert as:
Pedro Cerrano
James Cammon as:
Lou Brown
Omar Epps as:
Willie Mays Hayes
David Keith David Keith as:
Jack Parkman
Alison Doody as:
Richard Schiff Richard Schiff as: