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Noises Off . . .
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Noises Off . . . Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with:
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1992 Category: Comedy
Director: Peter Bogdonovich Time: 101 min. Writer: Michael Frayn & Marty Kaplan

Mine: Very, very funny. Wonderful cast. A rare comedy that is funny at repeated viewings.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Energetic filming of Michael Frayn's play, a clever variation on a traditional British sex farce--with the added dimension of behind-the-scenes tumult among the acting troupe. This kind of door-slamming comedy doesn't ever work on film--but Bogdanovich comes closer than anyone ever has before, with the help of a willing cast.
User Reviews:
steve's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
noises off has to be one of the most hilarious mvies i have seen ina long long time. i ran into this gem at at my local video store one thursday night and popped it in the vcr. i watched i 3 times that night, and found new things to bust out laughing about each time! i especially like the scene where christopher reeves and john ritter fight backstage because of carol burnett's affections. Hilarious!
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Carol Burnett Carol Burnett as:
Mrs. Clackett/Dotty Otley
Michael Caine Michael Caine as:
Lloyd Fellows
Denholm Elliott Denholm Elliott as:
The Burgalar/Selsdon Mowbray
Julie Hagerty Julie Hagerty as:
Poppy Taylor
Marilu Henner Marilu Henner as:
Flavia Brent/Belinda Blair
Mark Linn-Baker as:
Tim Allgood
Christopher Reeve Christopher Reeve as:
Philip Brent/Fredrick Dallas
John Ritter John Ritter as:
Roger Tramplemain/Garry Lejeune