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Peter's Friends
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Peter's Friends Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Trish at Showcase Orange
Rating: R Year: 1992 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Kenneth Branagh Time: 101 min. Writer: Martin Bergman & Rita

Mine: I did not like this very much when I saw it, but have the feeling that I should give it another chance.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A collegiate musical troupe's weekend reunion, after ten years, sparks feelings of love, envy, anger, and self-doubt. Glibly described as a British BIG CHILL, it stands on its own, filled with honest humor, heartache, and finely etched performances. Thompson is a standout as the group nerd, and Rudner (who also wrote this with real-life husband Martin Bergman) is very funny as a self-absorbed Hollywood star. Thompson's mother, actress Phyllida Law, turns in a fine performance as the housekeeper.
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Hugh Laurie Hugh Laurie as:
Imelda Staunton Imelda Staunton as:
Stephen Fry Stephen Fry as:
Peter Morton
Emma Thompson Emma Thompson as:
Kenneth Branagh Kenneth Branagh as:
Andrew Benson
Alphonsia Emmanuel as:
Rita Rudner as:
Carol Benson
Phyllida Law as: