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Scavanger Hunt
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Scavanger Hunt Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: At Mini-Cine 1-4
Rating: PG Year: 1979 Category: Comedy
Director: Michael Schultz Time: 116 min. Writer: Henry Harper & John Thomson

Mine: I know that this is really stupid, but I liked it. Nothing new or really interesting, but fun physical comedy.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Vincent Price dies, and his relatives and servants are practically forced to kill each other for his inheritance by collecting commodes, wild animals, etc. in an allotted time. Hard to believe a comedy with so much talent could misfire so greatly, but it does; only Mulligan manages to get some laughs.
User Reviews:
not stupid's rating:
(out of 5 stars)
To see an older really funny movie watch 'It's a Mad Mad World'
Karen's rating:
3.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
After reading what you guys have written about this movie I feel compelled to write something myself. Okay, so it's no Citizen Kane but it's a blummin' good laugh. Imagine you've just had your Sunday lunch, you're wading your waay through your third helping of grandma's pudding, you've got all the family round and you want something light-hearted and stupid for the whole family to enjoy. It's silly enough for the kids, quirky enough for the teens, comical enough for us "Grown ups" and has a good conquers all ending for the grannies. Come on guys, lighten up... it's just a film! xxx
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Richard Benjamin as:
Stuart Selsom
James Coco as:
Scatman Crothers as:
Ruth Gordon as:
Arvilla Droll
Cloris Leachman Cloris Leachman as:
Mildred Carruthers
Cleavon Little as:
Roddy McDowall Roddy McDowall as:
Richard Mulligan as:
Marvin Dummmitz
Robert Morley as:
Charles Bernstein
Tony Randall as:
Henry Motley
Dirk Benedict as:
Jeff Stevens
Willie Ames as:
Kenny Stevens
Stephen Furst as:
Richard Masur as:
Georgie Carruthers
Vincent Price Vincent Price as:
Mr. Parker
Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger as: