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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Semi-Tough Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: 108
Rating: R Year: 1977 Category: Comedy
Director: Michael Ritchie Time: min. Writer: Walter Bernstein

Mine: I don't remember this very well. Will have to see it again.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Easygoing comedy about two football stars and their mutual girlfriend wanders too much to hit any major targets but has some funny moments. Reynolds' charm makes up for film's other deficiencies. Adapted from Dan Jenkins' novel by Ring Lardner, Jr. (who took his name off the credits) and Walter Bernstein. Later a brief TV series.
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Jill Clayburgh Jill Clayburgh as:
Barbara Jane Bookman
Bert Convy as:
Griedrich Bismark
Brian Dennehy Brian Dennehy as:
T.J. Lambert
Kris Kristofferson Kris Kristofferson as:
Shake Tiller
Robert Preston as:
Big Ed Bookman
Burt Reynolds Burt Reynolds as:
Billy Clyde Puckett
Ron Silver as:
Carl Weathers as:
Dreamer Tatum