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South Pacific
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
South Pacific Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1958 Category: Drama Romance War Musical
Director: Joshua Logan Time: 151 min. Writer: Oscar hammerstein II & Paul Osborn

Mine: Good adaptation of the stage play. Great scenery and music. Hard to combine the realistic war and musical genres on film. Easier on stage I suspect.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Disappointing filmization of great Rodgers & Hammerstein show; adaptation of James Michener's moving vignettes about WW2 life on Pacific island needs dynamic personalities to make it catch fire, and they aren't here. Even location filming is lackluster. Adequate but hardly memorable. Songs include ``Some Enchanted Evening,'' ``Bali H'ai,'' ``There Is Nothing Like a Dame,'' ``Happy Talk,'' ``You've Got to Be Taught,'' etc. Among the sailors and servicemen you'll spot John Gabriel, Ron Ely, Doug McClure, and James Stacy. Originally shown at 171m. Todd-AO.
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Rossano Brazzi as:
Emile de Becque
Mitzi Gaynor as:
Nellie Forbush
John Kerr as:
Lt. Joseph Cable
Ray Walston Ray Walston as:
Luther Billis
Juanita Hall as:
Bloddy Mary
France Nuyen as:
Russ Brown as:
Cpt. George Brackett
Floyd Simmons as:
Comm. Bill Harbison