The Green Mile |
My Rating: (out of 5 stars) |  |
Primary Location: |
First Saw:In Theatre |
Saw at/with: Hoyts Branford with Jean Balay
Rating: R
Category: Drama Thriller
Frank Darabont
188 min.
Frank Darabont
| Reviews |
Mine: |
Wonderful, uplifting movie about death. Not your every day movie. Very touching. Sterling performaces by Duncan and Hanks. Well worth the 3 plus hours. Better at subseqent viewings
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: |
The lives of guards on Death Row are affected by one of their charges: a black man accused of child murder and rape, yet who has a mysterious gift.
User Reviews: |
Kim's rating:
 (out of 5 stars) |
About death? No, about spirituality and good versus evil, protrayed in a very sophisticated manner, Stephen King strikes it again and the movie does pretty good justice to the book, tho the latter is much better. Excellent film, touching and timeless.
| Cast |