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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Gladiator Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Branford Hoyts
Rating: R Year: 2000 Category: Drama
Director: Ridley Scott Time: 154 min. Writer: David H. Franzoni

Mine: Very long, and quite dull epic. It gave me 3 hours of air conditioning, but that is about it. Russell Crowe does a good job, but the writing is plodding and insipid. It never gets going. The long scenes with the vilan and his sister are deadly. Maybe at 2 hours it would have been good. The fight sequences are film in a jerky kind of MTV style that is very disconcerting, given the realism of the rest of the movie. Some good scenery of ancient Rome.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by an emperor's corrupt son, he comes to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge.
User Reviews:
Eric Walklet's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Gladiator's one fall comes with the the lead character, Maximus, a Spaniard turned Roman with an Australian accent. Despite this confused clash of cultures and dialects, Gladiator comes off as a nearly flawless film. With a large cast, phenominal special effects, and nearly impeccable acting and choreography, it's hard to say anything bad the film. The supporting actors do a great job of adding meat to the film, and Joaquin Phoenix, who played the young, selfish emperor, played it perfectly. Walking out of the movie, it is he who you remember, not Crowe. Ridley Scott did a good job of adapting the film to today's moviegoers. He says in the DVD documentary that he wanted to create a period film that didn't seem like a period film. With ornate backdrops and excellent costume design (that, I would like to add, is much more modest than those in the days of Ancient Rome), it makes you feel like you are in Rome watching the games yourself.
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Russell Crowe Russell Crowe as:
Joaquin Phoenix Joaquin Phoenix as:
Connie Nielsen Connie Nielsen as:
Oliver Reed as:
Richard Harris Richard Harris as:
Marus Aurelius
Derek Jacobi Derek Jacobi as:
Djimon Hounsou Djimon Hounsou as:
David Schofield as: