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Small Vices
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Small Vices Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: home on Video
Rating: NR Year: 1999 Category: Drama
Director: Robert Markowitz Time: 100 min. Writer: Robert B. Parker

Mine: A pretty faithful adaptation. Spnser and Hawk are more human and less supermen than in the books. A bit of the edge is gone. Enjoyable.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Rita Fiore hires Spenser to determine if two-time loser Ellis Alves really did kill a college coed. Soon everybody wants him off the case, from the investigating officer to the parents of the dead girl's boyfriend; and a professional hitman named Rugar is trying to kill him.
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Joe Mantegna Joe Mantegna as:
Marcia Gay Harden Marcia Gay Harden as:
Susan Silverman
Shiek Mahmud-Bey as:
Eugene Lipinski as:
Laila Robins as:
Rita Fiore
Robert B. Parker as:
Daniel Parker as:
Lee Farrell
Marcia Bennett as:
Mrs. Henderson