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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Voices Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: On TV while babysitting
Rating: PG Year: 1979 Category:
Director: Robert Markowitz Time: 106 min. Writer: John Herzfeld

Mine: I really liked this as a kid, but it is not all that good. Amy is terrific, and the soundtrack is top-notch.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Aspiring rock singer falls for deaf woman (well played by Irving) who, never having heard him sing, is able to return his love. Sincerely intentioned drama is ultimately compromised by Hollywood formulas. Musical score by Jimmy Webb.
User Reviews:
Kimmie's rating:
3.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I adore this movie, and the soundtrack is awesome. I have it in vinyl and wondered if anyone else knows how to get it on disc. Anyway, it's one of those love stories that only us love story saps would love. Ontkean is gorgeous as he always was and is, and Amy Irving does a great job as usual. A great 70s movie with a lot of beautiful music.
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Amy Irving Amy Irving as:
Rosemarie Lemon
Michael Ontkean as:
Drew Rothman
Alex Rocco Alex Rocco as:
Frank Rothman
Barry Miller as:
Raymond Rothman
Bill Baldwin Sr. as:
Ida Beecher as:
Thom Christopher as:
Paul Janssen
Jean Ehrlich as: