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Primary Colors
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Primary Colors Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Branford Hoyts
Rating: R Year: 1998 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Mike Nichols Time: 141 min. Writer: Joe Klein & Elaine May

Mine: Fun and serious at the same time. Give a really good idea of what it is like to be part of a political campaign.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Dynamic adaptation of political roman à clef by Anonymous (Joe Klein) about a Southern governor's Presidential race--and an idealistic staffer (Lester) who sees in him both a true believer in people power and an insatiable womanizer who'll do anything to cover his tracks. Travolta is extraordinarily good in a Bill Clinton-esque characterization, and Nichols has cast every part around him with an unerring eye. Bates is a powerhouse as Travolta's longtime political conscience and troubleshooter. Smart, funny, foul-mouthed screenplay by Elaine May. Super 35.
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John Travolta John Travolta as:
Gov. Jack Stanton
Emma Thompson Emma Thompson as:
Susan Stanton
Billy Bob Thornton Billy Bob Thornton as:
Tichard Ejmmons
Kathy Bates Kathy Bates as:
Libby Holden
Larry Hagman as:
Gov. Fred Picker
Paul Guilfoyle Paul Guilfoyle as:
Howard Furguson
Diane Ladd Diane Ladd as:
Mamma Stanton
Rob Reiner Rob Reiner as:
Izzy Rosenblatt
Tony Shalhoub Tony Shalhoub as:
Eddie Reyes
Allison Janney Allison Janney as:
Miss Walsh
Maura Tierney Maura Tierney as:
Gia Carides as:
Cashmere McLeod