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I'll Do Anything
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
I'll Do Anything Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1994 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: James L. Brooks Time: 115 min. Writer: James L. Brooks

Mine: Real bad. I seem to have blocked much of this film from my mind it was so bad. A tough year for Nick. He made this and "I Love Trouble"! Nothing to recommend this one.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Self-absorbed actor whose career is on the ropes is suddenly forced to care for his six-year-old daughter. Writer-director Brooks tries to weave a tale of fatherhood into a cutting look behind the scenes of Hollywood, with discouragingly spotty results. Some great ``in'' material shares screen time with an array of truly dislikeable characters. Kavner and Albert Brooks come off best, as a neurotic match made in heaven. This is the notorious movie that was shot as a musical, before test screenings indicated all the musical numbers should come out!
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Nick Nolte Nick Nolte as:
Matt Hobbs
Whittni Wright as:
Jeannie Hobbs
Albert Brooks Albert Brooks as:
Burke Adler
Julie Kavner Julie Kavner as:
Nan Hulhanney
Tracey Ullman Tracey Ullman as:
Beth Hobbs
Anne Heche Anne Heche as:
Ian McKellen Ian McKellen as:
John Earl McAlpine
Vicki Lewis Vicki Lewis as: