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Men in Black
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Men in Black Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1997 Category: Sci-Fi
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld Time: 98 min. Writer: Lowell Cunningham & Ed Solomon

Mine: Fun stuff. The two leads are very good and make the film. Goofy stuff, but in a good way.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Hip, funny spin on the usual sci-fi invasion saga. Street-smart NYPD cop Smith is recruited to join Jones on the super-secret team that keeps an eye on thousands of aliens who already populate our planet, without most of us knowing it. When one especially violent visitor starts acting up, it's a race to find the prize he's looking for before Earth is destroyed. Outrageous and original at every turn, with great aliens by Rick Baker (Academy Award winner for Best Makeup, with David LeRoy Anderson), sharp pacing that never lets up, and a snappy script by Ed Solomon, based on the Malibu comic by Lowell Cunningham.
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Tommy Lee Jones Tommy Lee Jones as:
Will Smith Will Smith as:
Jay Edwards
Linda Fiorentino Linda Fiorentino as:
Vincent D'Onofrio Vincent D'Onofrio as:
Rip Torn Rip Torn as:
Tony Shalhoub Tony Shalhoub as:
Siobhan Fallon Siobhan Fallon as:
Mike Nussbaum as:
Gentle Rosenberg
David Cross David Cross as:
Siobhan Fallon Siobhan Fallon as:
Jon Gries Jon Gries as:
Van Driver