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The Spanish Prisoner
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Spanish Prisoner Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: at home on DVD
Rating: PG Year: 1997 Category: Drama Thriller
Director: David Mamet Time: 110 min. Writer: David Mamet

Mine: Very well done thriller. A Hitchcockian movie about a good juy caught in events beyond his control. Very well written and acted. A must see.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Naive young man, who's developed a secret and highly valuable program for a high-tech company, is concerned that he won't be properly compensated and thus is easy prey for those who would steal the secret. Too easy, if you ask us, and that's the problem with this ice-cold but intriguing Mamet screenplay: we didn't buy it at crucial points in its serpentine story. Scott and Martin are excellent; leading lady Pidgeon is Mrs. Mamet.
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Campbell Scott Campbell Scott as:
Joe Ross
Rebecca Pidgeon Rebecca Pidgeon as:
Susan Ricci
Steve Martin Steve Martin as:
Jimmy Dell
Ben Gazzara Ben Gazzara as:
Felicity Huffman Felicity Huffman as:
Pat McCune
Ricky Jay Ricky Jay as:
George Lang
Ed O'Neill Ed O'Neill as:
FBi Team Leader
Gary McDonald as:
Ticket Agent
Clark Gregg Clark Gregg as:
FBI Sniper