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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Matilda Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: At Kim's with Molly
Rating: Year: 1996 Category: Comedy Children
Director: Danny DeVito Time: 98 min. Writer: Roald Dahl & Nicholas Kazan

Mine: Lots of fun. Mara Wilson is really good as the title role. There should be more movies for kids like this. Wonderful story.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Cursed with a cretinous family and a witch of a school principal, a bright young girl learns self-reliance--and develops unusual powers. Wilson's irresistible charm anchors this very black comedy from the book by Roald Dahl. The bizarre goings-on, and the strange sensibilities, may play better on the printed page (and in a reader's imagination) than they do when acted out literally on-screen. Anne Ramsey being dead, DeVito had to find another harpy--in this case the furious Ferris. Jon Lovitz appears unbilled; DeVito narrates. Super 35.
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Mara Wilson as:
Matilda Wormwood
Danny DeVito Danny DeVito as:
Harry Wormwood
Rhea Perlman as:
Zinnia Wormwood
Paul Reubens Paul Reubens as:
Brian Levinson as:
Mikey Wormwood
Tracey Walter as:
Sara Magdalin as:
Young Matilda
Embeth Davidtz Embeth Davidtz as:
Miss Jennifer
Jon Lovitz Jon Lovitz as:
Million $ Sticky Host