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My Giant
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
My Giant Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1998 Category: Comedy
Director: Michael Lehmann Time: 103 min. Writer: Billy Crystal & David Seltzer

Mine: Dull. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes, didn't seem to miss anything. Tried to watch it again, but not good enough for that
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Ne'er-do-well showbiz agent chances to meet a 7'7" giant in Romania--and sees in him a way to resurrect his career and win back his estranged wife and kid. Sweet and amusing as long as Muresan's stomping around but the film turns borderline mawkish toward the end. Crystal is likeable as always, and real-life Washington Wizards center Muresan is winning in the title role. That's Crystal's daughter Lindsay as a put-upon production assistant.
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Billy Crystal Billy Crystal as:
Sam kamin
Kathleen Quinlan as:
Serena kamin
Gheorghe Muresan as:
Max Sandareskue
Harold Gould Harold Gould as:
Milt Kaminski
Doris Roberts as:
Rose Kaminski
Lorna Luft as:
Zane Carney as:
Nick Kanin
Rider Strong as:
Justin Allen