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It Happened to Jane
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
It Happened to Jane Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: on TV
Rating: NR Year: 1959 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Richard Quine Time: 97 min. Writer: Norman Katkov

Mine: A real 50's ish comedy. Lemmon is great as is Doris.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Breezy, likable comedy: Doris runs a Maine lobstery, and Jack is her lawyer; together they tangle with ultracheap villain Kovacs (who hams mercilessly). Also known as TWINKLE AND SHINE.
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Doris Day as:
Jane Osgood
Russ Brown as:
Uncle Otis
Ernie Kovacs as:
Harry Foster Malone
Jack Lemmon Jack Lemmon as:
George Denham
Steve Forrest as:
Larry Hall
Gina Dillispie as:
Betty Osgood
Walter Greaza as:
Crawford Sloand
John Cecil Holm as:
Aaron Caldwell