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How the Grinch Stole Christmas
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
How the Grinch Stole Christmas Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Branford Hoyts with Cher, Daniel and his friend
Rating: PG Year: 2000 Category: Romance
Director: Ron Howard Time: 104 min. Writer: Dr. Suess and Jeffrey Price

Mine: Amazing visual effects, but overall there is not enough here to stustain a 2 hour movie. Most of the good lines are straight from the book. Carrey has a couple of good moments. A real tour-de-force for the make-up team.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: On the outskirts of Whoville, there lives a green, revenge-seeking Grinch (Jim Carrey), who plans on ruining Christmas for all of the citizens of the town.
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Jim Carrey Jim Carrey as:
The Grinch
Jeffrey Tambor Jeffrey Tambor as:
Mayor of Whoville
Christine Baranski Christine Baranski as:
Marth May Who-vier
Anthony Hopkins Anthony Hopkins as:
Clint Howard Clint Howard as:
Bill Irwin Bill Irwin as:
Lou Lou-Who
Josh Ryan Evans as:
8 year old Grindh
Jeremy Howard Jeremy Howard as:
Dru Lou-Who
Molly Shannon Molly Shannon as:
Betty Lou Who
Bryce Dallas Howard Bryce Dallas Howard as:
Surprised Who