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A. I. Artifical Intelligence
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
A. I. Artifical Intelligence Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North haven
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2001 Category: Drama Sci-Fi
Director: Steven Spielberg Time: 140 min. Writer: Ian Watson & Brian Aldiss

Mine: Muddled and confused. It goes from run-of-the-mill post-apocolyptic sci-fi (kind of Road Warriorish) to creepy family emotion stuff. Spans over 2000 years. I may just not be deep enough to understand any lasting message. Some truly striking visuals. I would think that with the subject matter of what is real emotion that you could do more. The whole Pinnochio element felt out of place.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother.
User Reviews:
Shadow's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
*****SPOILER WARNING***** Loved It. Loved the Bear. Loved Osment (that kids does a good job holding his emotions, ok, so the editing helps). I even like Jude Law. Makes me wonder what differences it would of had if Kubrick lived a while longer. The ending had me confused a bit till i read some of what Steven wrote, They're Robots, not Aliens. I think the expansion of freezing water would of smashed that craft some, but i still liked seeing what would happen 2000 yrs later. Still, I felt for the boy, but i felt more for the teddy bear, especially at the end. the kid was like a parent/friend/equal to the bear. Now after 2000 years, he's all along. And the sight of him just sitting there yanked tears from my eyes. the Bear was more human then everyone else, and he wasn't made to love like the boy was. The Sequal should be about the Bear.
MovieManRyan's rating:
2 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
During the movie I was very, um confused. The movie was very, um weird. The computer graphics were impressive. Not the worst movie, but not the best. Do I recommend this movie? Well, If you don't see it, your not missing out on anything, but I warn you, it's very long and very weird.
Will's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I thought this movie was totally awesome. The whole robot
with the ability to love thing reminded me a little of
Bicentinnial Man. I would give this movie a 10 but it had a
few drawbacks like the Pinnochio issue. So I give it a 8.
Drunknerd's rating:
1.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
The 4 page story this movie is based on is better. We do not need three endings. I was so ready for the annoying scary kid to die. It needed more Ministry.
Robert's rating:
(out of 5 stars)
All I can say about AI...someone sure had some "Mother Issues".
Cornholio's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
uh, it was like, uh, cool and stuff and robots and like some weird stuff huh huh. i mean like you know it was uh, like a movie man.
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Haley Joel Osment Haley Joel Osment as:
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