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Changing Lanes
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Changing Lanes Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: at Berlin Showcase
Rating: R Year: 2002 Category:
Director: Roger Michell Time: 99 min. Writer: Chap Taylor

Mine: Interesting and well executed drama about lifes intersections. Jackson and Affleck do thier job well. One of nice things about this is the way the characters develop and change. Well worth the time.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The story of what happens one day in New York when a young lawyer and a businessman share a small automobile accident on F.D.R. Drive and their mutual road rage escalates into a feud.
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Samuel L. Jackson Samuel L. Jackson as:
Doyle Gipson
Ben Affleck Ben Affleck as:
Gavin Banek
Toni Collette Toni Collette as:
Amanda Peet Amanda Peet as:
Cynthia Banek
William Hurt William Hurt as:
The Sponsor
Sydney Pollack Sydney Pollack as:
Deen Badarou as:
Eulogy speaker
Kim Staunton as:
Valerie Gipson
Jonathan Gentry as:
Dylan Baker Dylan Baker as:
Bruce Altman Bruce Altman as:
Joe Kaufman
Richard Jenkins Richard Jenkins as:
Walter Arnell