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Bowling for Columbine
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Bowling for Columbine Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: at York Square
Rating: R Year: 2002 Category:
Director: Michael Moore Time: 125 min. Writer: Michael Moore

Mine: Riveting, chilling, hilarious and absolutely incredible movie no matter what your views are on the gun issue. Moore's views are definetely anti-gun but he does try to show the opposite side also. Moore questions why there are so many killings in America by guns and almost none in other countries. He gives no real answers to this question and at times contradicts himself, but he raises a lot of interesting points and gives you alot to think about. I walked out of the theatre very intriuged and wanting to find out more. This is truly a great documentary.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Filmmaker Michael Moore explores the roots of America's predilection for gun violence.
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Michael Moore as:
Charlton Heston Charlton Heston as:
Marilyn Manson as: