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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Pinocchio Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: w/ Kendra, Suzy & Alyssa at Middletown Destina
Rating: G Year: 2002 Category: Drama Comedy Children
Director: Roberto Benigni Time: 108 min. Writer: Roberto Benigni

Mine: Interesting visuals may be a bit dark for the material. The dubbing is not very well done. Also Roberto may be a bit too old make a convincing Pinocchio. Well worth watching. A worthy, if not totally successful, effort. I would have liked to have heard Benigni do his own dubbing.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Despite guidance from the Blue Fairy and the love of his father, a wooden puppet's curious spirit leads him into one wild adventure after another.
User Reviews:
evelyn rangel's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
la historia es un tanto aburrida y benigni muy viejo para ser pinocho y la ada azul muy fea para ser el ada
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Roberto Benigni Roberto Benigni as:
Nicoletta Braschi Nicoletta Braschi as:
Blue Fairy
Carlo Giuffre as:
Peppe Barra as:
The Talking Cricket
Max Cavallari as:
The Cat
Mino Bellei as:
Luis Molteni as:
Omino de burro