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Mostly Martha
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Mostly Martha Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: on plane to England
Rating: Year: 2001 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Sandra Nettelbeck Time: 105 min. Writer: Sandra Nettelbeck

Mine: A very relaxed movie. Things happen slowly and with out any sense of urgency. Given that I do not think that I saw this movie in the ideal conditions for it. I will try to watch it again. That said, I was kind of bored by the film. Hitchcock said that "drama was life with the boring parts cut out", however here they are left in. Some good talk about food.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When a headstrong chef takes charge of her equally stubborn 8-year-old niece, the tensions between them mount... until an Italian sous-chef arrives to lighten the mood.
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Martina Gedeck as:
Maxime Foerste as:
Sergio Castellitto as:
August Zirner as:
Martha's Therapist
Sibylle Canonica as:
Katja Studt as: