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Bringing Down the House
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Bringing Down the House Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: at Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2003 Category: Comedy
Director: Adam Shankman Time: 105 min. Writer: Jason Filardi

Mine: The writing is strictly routine and some of the plot points are just silly. What makes this watchable are the top notch perfomances by Queen Latifa and Steve Martin. She has amazing screen presence! Steve has a great gift for physical comedy. To give you an idea of the type of movie this is; the funniest scene involves laxatives! I enjoyed it, a good antidote to the real world.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When a lonely guy meets a woman on the Internet who happens to be in prison, she breaks out to be with him, and proceeds to wreak havoc on his middle-class life.
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Steve Martin Steve Martin as:
Peter Sanderson
Queen Latifah Queen Latifah as:
Charlene Morton
Eugene Levy Eugene Levy as:
Howie Rosenthal
Joan Plowright Joan Plowright as:
Mrs. Arness
Jean Smart Jean Smart as:
Kate Sanderson
Betty White Betty White as:
Mrs. Kline
Kimberly J. Brown as:
Sarah Sanderson
Angus T. Jones as:
Georgey Sanderson