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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
Robots Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: family on DVD
Rating: Year: 2005 Category: Comedy Children
Director: Chris Wedge Time: 91 min. Writer: Ron Mita & Jim McClain

Mine: A couple of good one line jokes is about all this has to offer. The voice work is uninteresting. The script is lame. Don't bother.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: In a robot world, a young idealistic inventor travels to the big city to join his inspiration's company, only to find himself opposing its sinister new management.
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Jim Broadbent Jim Broadbent as:
Madame Gasket
Mel Brooks Mel Brooks as:
Amanda Bynes Amanda Bynes as:
Drew Carey as:
Jennifer Coolidge Jennifer Coolidge as:
Aunt Fanny
Lowell Ganz as:
Mr. Gasket
Paul Giamatti Paul Giamatti as:
Tim the Gaurd Gate
Halle Berry Halle Berry as:
Dan Hedaya Dan Hedaya as:
Mr. Gunk
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
Voice Box
Greg Kinnear Greg Kinnear as:
Ewan McGregor Ewan McGregor as:
Rodney Copperbottom
Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci as:
Herb Copperbottom
Dianne Wiest Dianne Wiest as:
Mrs. Copperbottom
Robin Williams Robin Williams as:
Natasha Lyonne Natasha Lyonne as:
Loretta Geargringer