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The Departed
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
The Departed Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: Suzy on DVD
Rating: R Year: 2006 Category: Drama Action
Director: Martin Scorese Time: 151 min. Writer: William Monahan & Sui Fai Mak

Mine: Overall the movie was good but it could have been shorter. Good movie but nothing extraordinary, not a master-piece, not a classic. Clumsy plot devices (all those cel phones!!, time line and believability isues). Performances are good all around. Best Picture, give me a break.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Two men from opposite sides of the law are undercover within the Massachusetts State Police and the Irish mafia, but violence and bloodshed boil when discoveries are made, and the moles are dispatched to find out their enemy's identities.
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Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio as:
Billy Costigan
Matt Damon Matt Damon as:
Colin Sullivan
Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson as:
Frank Costello
Mark Wahlberg Mark Wahlberg as:
Martin Sheen Martin Sheen as:
Capt. Queenan
Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin as:
Kristen Dalton as:
Kevin Corrigan Kevin Corrigan as:
Cousin Sean
David O'Hara as:
Vera Farmiga Vera Farmiga as:
Ray Winstone Ray Winstone as:
Mr. French