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The Queen
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Queen Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: Suzy on DVD
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2006 Category: Drama
Director: Stephen Frears Time: 103 min. Writer: Peter Morgan

Mine: Powerful and very interesting movie. MIrren gives a stellar performance as The Queen. Really gives some insight into an institution (the British Monarchy) that seems to have no real purpose. I don't know that this movie shows us that there is a purpose, but it does show us what it might be like to be a part of the monarchy.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: After the death of Princess Diana, HRM Queen Elizabeth II struggles with her reaction to a sequence of events nobody could have predicted.
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Helen Mirren Helen Mirren as:
The Queen
James Cromwell James Cromwell as:
Prince Phillip
Alex Jennings as:
Prince Charles
Roger Allam as:
Robin Janvrin
Sylvia Syms as:
Queen Mothers
Michael Sheen Michael Sheen as:
Tony Blair
Helen McCrory as:
Cherie Blair
Mark Bazeley as:
Alastair Campbell
Dougal Reith as:
Lord Airlie