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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Antz Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On DVD Saw at/with: family on DVD
Rating: PG Year: 1998 Category: Children
Director: Eric Darnell Time: 83 min. Writer: Tod Alcot & Chris Weitz

Mine: Enjoyable animated film that relies on the Woody Allen neurotic persona so much that it becomes a parody of Woody Allen movies as much as a story in its own right. Still some fun moments and good animation make it watchable.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A rather neurotic ant tries to break from his totalitarian society while trying to win the affection of the princess he loves.
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Woody Allen Woody Allen as:
Zach Riley
Dan Aykroyd Dan Aykroyd as:
Anne Bancroft Anne Bancroft as:
Jane Curtin Jane Curtin as:
Danny Glover Danny Glover as:
Gene Hackman Gene Hackman as:
Gen. Mandible
Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez as:
John Mahoney John Mahoney as:
Grebs/Drunk Scout/Others
Sylvester Stallone Sylvester Stallone as:
Christopher Walken Christopher Walken as:
Col. Cutter