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Julie & Julia
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Julie & Julia Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Suzy at Showcase Berlin (sneak preview)
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2009 Category: Drama Romance Comedy
Director: Nora Ephron Time: 130 min. Writer: Nora Ephron & Julie Powel

Mine: Charming and wonderful souffle! I am a great admirer of Julia Child and this does a good job with a part of her story. Top notch performances by Streep and Tucci. Adams does a good job as well. Well worth seeing.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The movie follows Julia and Paul Child through Julia Child's memoir, MY LIFE IN FRANCE, which she wrote with her grand nephew Alex Prud'homme and
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Meryl Streep Meryl Streep as:
Julia Child
Amy Adams Amy Adams as:
Julie Powell
Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci as:
Paul Child
Chris Messina as:
Eric Powell
Linda Emond as:
Simone Beck
Helen Carey as:
Louisetee Bertholle
Mary Lynn Bajskub as:
Jane Lynch Jane Lynch as:
Dorothy McWilliams
Jillian Bach as: