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Gnomeo & Juliet
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Gnomeo & Juliet Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Hanna
Rating: G Year: 2011 Category: Romance Comedy Children
Director: Kelly Asbury Time: 84 min. Writer: Rob Spackling & John R. Smith

Mine: Very cute. There are many fun Shakespeare references and much more to keep adults attention and kids will love it. The gnome setting is a lot of fun and some of the voice acting is top notch. Even the sound helps with the overall effect.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Garden gnomes Gnomeo and Juliet have as many obstacles to overcome as their quasi namesakes when they are caught up in a feud between neighbors. But with plastic pink flamingos and lawnmower races in the mix, can this young couple find lasting happiness?
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James McAvoy James McAvoy as:
Emily Blunt Emily Blunt as:
Ashley Jensen as:
Michael Caine Michael Caine as:
Lord Redbrick
Matt Lucas Matt Lucas as:
Maggie Smith Maggie Smith as:
Lady Bluebury
Jim Cummings as:
Jason Statham Jason Statham as:
Patrick Stewart Patrick Stewart as:
Julie Walters Julie Walters as:
Miss Mintague
Stephen Merchant Stephen Merchant as: