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The Three Musketeers
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
The Three Musketeers Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Suzy & Hanna
Rating: PG-13 Year: 2011 Category: Action
Director: Paul W S Amderson Time: 110 min. Writer: Alex Litvak & Andrew Davies

Mine: Just awful every attempt at humor is completely dry, and the story is told in the worst way possible. Everything added to the story in an attempt to make it different from the standard Three Musketeer plot is completely lame rally a big flying machine! And even Orlando Bloom acted like a rookie!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The hot-headed young D'Artagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck Musketeers must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war.
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Matthew Macfadyen as:
Milla Jovovich Milla Jovovich as:
Lady deWinter
Luke Evans Luke Evans as:
Ray Stevenson Ray Stevenson as:
Orlando Bloom Orlando Bloom as:
Duke of Buckinham
Logan Lerman as:
Christoph Waltz Christoph Waltz as:
Cardinal richleu
Freddie Fox as:
King Louis XIV
Jane Perry as:
Dartangain's Mother
James Corden James Corden as: