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The Sandlot
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Sandlot Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with: Hanna
Rating: PG Year: 1993 Category: Drama Comedy Children
Director: David M. Evans Time: 101 min. Writer: David M. Evans & Robert Gunter

Mine: Captures the innocence and joy of being young and playing baseball in a small town neighborhood. Sub-plot with the dog and James Earl Jones is terrific. Loved the scenes when the kids were just being kids and enjoying the summer. My 10 year old liked it as well
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Scotty Smalls moves to a new neighborhood with his mom and stepdad, and wants to learn to play baseball. The neighborhood baseball guru Rodriquez takes Smalls under his wing, and soon he's part of the local baseball buddies. They fall into adventures involving baseball, treehouse sleep-ins, the desirous lifeguard at the local pool, the snooty rival ball team, and the travelling fair. Beyond the fence at the back of the sandlot menaces a legendary ball-eating dog called The Beast, and the kids inevitably must deal with him.
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Tom Guiry as:
Scotty Smalls
Mike Vitar as:
Ben Franklin Rodriguez
Patrick Renna as:
Ham Porter
Chauncey Leopardi as:
Marty York as:
Brandon Quintin Adams as:
Denis Leary Denis Leary as:
Karen Allen Karen Allen as:
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
Mr. Mertle