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Land of Mine
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Land of Mine Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Suzy at Madison Cinema Club
Rating: R Year: 2016 Category: Drama War
Director: Martin Zandvliet Time: 100 min. Writer: Martin Zandvliet

Mine: War does nasty, nasty things. This movie serves as a great reminder of that. We live in a time when fear holds many in its grip. This movie shows us what happens when we look at other people as anything less that the same as ourselves. You begin to understand how horror and war can make you act terribly. From the bleak opening to the very end this is an anti-war movie. Very hard to watch, but worth it. Amazing acting by the boys, none of them professionals.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A young group of German POWs are made the enemy of a nation, where they are now forced to dig up 2 million land-mines with their bare hands.
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Roland Moller as:
Sgt. Ramussen
Louis Homann as:
Sebastian Schumann
Joel Basman as:
Helmut MOrbach
Mikkel Boe Folsgaard as:
Lt. Jensen
Laura Bro as:
Mads Riisom as:
Oskar Bokelmann as:
Ludwig Haffke
Emil Belton as:
Ernst Lessner
Oskar Belton as:
Werner Lessner