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War Games
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
War Games Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: wih Peter Loge
Rating: PG Year: 1983 Category: Drama Thriller
Director: John Badham Time: 113 min. Writer: Walter F. Parkes

Mine: Wonderful geek movie. It gave us all hope that we could break in to government computers and that Alley Sheedy could like us. A classic.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: FAIL SAFE for the Pac-Man generation: a pop movie about a computer whiz-kid who taps into government early-warning system and nearly starts WW3. Entertaining to a point, but gets more contrived as it goes along, leading to finale straight out of an old B movie. Incidentally, it's easy to see why this was so popular with kids: most of the adults in the film are boobs.
User Reviews:
David Rainsford's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
A movie for geeks! This is one of the best movies ever made IMO, no unrealistic mission impossible style computer graphics, just david lightman, his command line and his geek friends. A guy who can't turn away from his Galaga to talk to his gf, and then blames her when he loses. He is truly one of us. She's pretty useless window decoration, but adds to lightman's god-like status among geeks. His two geek friends are hilarious and true to life. And the film is pretty funny. His girlfriend's pretty annoying, but never mind. I think when I first watched this it didn't bother me so much, it's only looking back on it now that she annoys me. This film put me on the path to become the geek I am today. (And, like Lightman, I have a girlfriend too. Am I God-like? Yeah, I suppose so.)
John Matrix's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
This was an excellent movie. Now you can own your very own "Wargames Computer" with the new

IMSAI Series Two

Sarah's rating:
(out of 5 stars)
I haven't seen the movie but i was wondering, what was the secret password to Professor Falken’s PC? i never found out!!!!
Wonder's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
Wot a great movie! but could u tell me what the password was for Professor Falkens PC? PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!help me! i loved that movie but i really need to know! ***** 5 stars!
Jaxon's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
To answer the question above, Professor Falken's password, is the name of his then deceased son-----> Joshua. I dont know how old this post was but there's your answer anyhow.
jim gilligan's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I love this movie. At age 58, I remember when the movie broke. Watch it whenever on. Love Ally Sheedy. I have whole scenes memorized (at the risk of being obnoxious). (why don't I believe..(me)?) Joshua (it can't be that easy) is the password. However there is no Goose Island, Or. If they had selected Washington State, we could have better allowed the license for a "Goose Island". Afterall, he was picked up in a Seattle suburb. Maybe they wanted to give us a nice little tour of the Northwest. Though it lacks "gravitas",this rates in my shameful top ten of "guilty pleasures" know, like "Three days of the condor" or the like.
David Lightman's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Simply marvellous!!! It's one of the best movies ever made! The story is wonderful, the movie is very well made! I LOVE IT!!! I'm consuming my DVD!!! :)
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Matthew Broderick Matthew Broderick as:
David Lightmam
Dabney Coleman Dabney Coleman as:
Dr. McKittrick
John Wood as:
Steven Falken
Ally Sheedy Ally Sheedy as:
Barry Corbin Barry Corbin as:
General Beringer
Juanin Clay as:
Pat Healy
Kent William as:
Dennis Lipscomb as:
Joe Dorsey as:
Irving Metzman as:
Michael Madsen Michael Madsen as:
Steve, Airman in Silo