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The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG" Year: 1989 Category: Drama Fantasy
Director: Terry Gilliam Time: 126 min. Writer: Terry Gilliam

Mine: I remember liking this a lot when I saw it, but I do not remember it very well. Time to see it again!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The legendary tale spinner returns in a new interpretation of his exploits by director-cowriter Gilliam. Breathtaking special effects go hand in hand with Gilliam's outlandishly funny and far-out ideas; a visual feast that's worth staying with through its occasional lulls. The Baron's exploits were previously filmed in 1943 and (as THE FABULOUS BARON MUNCHAUSEN) in 1961
User Reviews:
Drunknerd's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I love this movie. Why is Robin Williams no where in the credits?
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John Neville as:
Baron Munchausen
Eric Idle Eric Idle as:
Sarah Polley as:
Sally Salt
Oliver Reed as:
Charles McKeown as:
Robin Williams Robin Williams as:
King of the Moon
Uma Thurman Uma Thurman as:
Valentina Cortese as:
Queen Arianden
Jack Purvis as:
Winston Dennis as:
Jonathan Pryce Jonathan Pryce as:
Horatio Jackson