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Edge of Darkness
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Edge of Darkness Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:Digitally Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 2010 Category: Drama Thriller Action
Director: Martin Campbell Time: 117 min. Writer: William Monahan & Andrew Bovell

Mine: A workman like action thriller. Gibson's Boston accent is kind of week, but he does his righteous avenging cop thing pretty well. Does make we want to see the original source material.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: As homicide detective Thomas Craven investigates the murder of his activist daughter, he uncovers a corporate cover-up and government conspiracy that attracts an agent tasked with cleaning up the evidence.
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Mel Gibson Mel Gibson as:
Ray Winstone Ray Winstone as:
Danny Huston Danny Huston as:
Jack Bennett
Bojana Novakovic as:
Emma Craven
Shawn Roberts as:
David Aaron Baker as:
Jay O. Sanders as:
Denis O'Hare as:
Damian Young as:
Senator Pine