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Beauty and the Beast
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Beauty and the Beast Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: At Showcase North Haven w/ Greta
Rating: G Year: 1991 Category: Romance Children
Director: Gary Trousdale Kirt Wise Time: 84 min. Writer: Toger Allers & Linda Wollverton

Mine: Very pretty and some times funny, but never very touching. I SO did not understand the nomination for best picture that it got.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Classic Disney cartoon version of the classic tale, with bookish Belle and a ferocious Beast learning to love one another after he makes her prisoner in his desolate castle (where the only signs of life come from humanized household fixtures). Cannily presented in the style of a Broadway musical, with a fine-tuned script by Linda Woolverton, and a rousing, Oscar-winning score by Alan Menken (with another Oscar for Menken and Howard Ashman's title tune). The first animated feature to earn an Oscar nomination as Best Picture. Followed by a Broadway musical, a TV series, and a 1997 video sequel, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: THE ENCHANTED CHRISTMAS.
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