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Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise Poster
Primary Location: First Saw: Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 2006 Category: Crime Mystery
Director: Robert Harmon Time: 87 min. Writer: J.T. Allen & Tom Selleck

Mine: A credible and effective police story, with good performances, and realistic screenplays. Selleck is perfect in the role of the cynical, stubborn and flawed but fair chief of police.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A body's found on the shore of a lake. Police Chief Jesse Stone starts an investigation. It turns out to be a pregnant high school student. There's also a case of a persistent wife beater. Jesse starts seeing a shrink and dating.
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Tom Selleck Tom Selleck as:
Jesse Stone
Viola Davis Viola Davis as:
Molly Crane
Kohl Sudduth as:
Luther Simpson
Oral Brady as:
Lilly Summers
Gary Basaraba as:
Norman Shaw
Mae Whitman Mae Whitman as:
Emily Bishop
Matt Barr as:
Hooker Royce
Edward Edwards as:
Hank Bishop
Brendan Kelly as:
Lovey Norris